Leaked: SiN 1 Source

I Love Leaks…do forgive me! As some of you might know, Nabeel is currently travelling (and with Richard knee-deep in Mass Effect), which effectively means my posts are getting through unmoderated… see! I do love leaks! What would we know of Duke Nukem Forever, at this point, if not for the leaks?

They allow us rare, otherwise altogether unavailable glimpses into singular, discrete developmental processes. That’s why it’s all the more peculiar that we never did get around mentioning how Michael Russell recently outed a Source-based version of the original SiN. Ritual worked on converting the game over as an excercise while the team sought to learn the ins and outs of a new engine.

If you guys just got your collective hopes up, I do apologize, as the leak is not really all that playable: A fair amount of the assets are missing – the more they are the further you play – and as Russell explains in a further comment, he only has access to the compiled assets, so the actual, err, SiN Source source code is still firmly under wraps.

If you do want to try it out, you’ll also need a copy of SiN Episodes: Emergence, for the assets. If you don’t yet own the game, in addition to Steam you can also often find it laying about in bargain bins for far less than the game is actually worth. It’s really a pretty solid game. Hopefully, if nothing else will ultimately come out of this interesting relic, perhaps it will function as a boost of new energy for the Unofficial SiN Episodes Multiplayer project (affectionately known as USEMP), though?

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